Open Group

Open Group is a new generation social enterprise. Its key words are innovation, crossover and interdisciplinary. Open Group is rooted in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy but its perspective is open to a European dimension.
The cooperative is multi-sector, it operates in the social and educational fields, in the management of cultural assets, as well as communication and information. Open Group deals with disability, addiction, integration, emergency housing, homeless education, educational support, training, job placement for disadvantaged people.
Open Group works in media and manages 2 radio stations – Radio Città del Capo and Libera Radio, the latter being a web radio focusing on anti-mafia topics. Open Group combines its know-how in the educational field and experience with disabled people with digital development, a feature which, together with communication, cuts across all its productive units. Besides its involvement in media, Open Group has an internal communication agency of its own.
Open Group is a complex organization, the result of a multiplicity of professional knowledge and skill. This is exactly why it can maintain a broad view of current social dynamics and are able to anticipate changes, know how to interpret them and quickly seize upon them, with a speed that is the hallmark of our times.